Is there a way to access control properties within custom user control from Designer using c# (Windows Forms)


I have here some custom user control with DataGridView in it, now when i Implement my user control to some form I want to be able to access DataGridView properties within designer, is this possible?

This is my user control

   public partial class MyUserControlTest01 : UserControl

        // my way to accsses DataGridView 
        public DataGridView Dtv_userControl
            get { return myUserControl_datagridView; }
            set { myUserControl_datagridView = value; }

        public MyUserControlTest01()


So when i implement this user control to some Form, I can access DataGridView properties from code, but i want to do it from Designer.

Hope my question is clear, any suggestion is helpful.

Thank you for your time.


Just add these annotations over your DataGridView-Property

[Category("*Any category you want*")]
public DataGridView Dtv_userControl
   get { return myUserControl_datagridView; }
   set { myUserControl_datagridView = value; }

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