Scope of global array javascript


I am trying to load data from a csv and store it in an array of objects. I know global variables are frowned upon but I can't think of a better way to store the data and access it from multiple functions.

Here is my code:

var mydata = new Array;
$(document).ready( function () {
    $.get('./datafile.csv', function(data) {
        var head = data.split("\n");
        for(var i = 1; i < head.length; i++){
            line = head[i].split(",");
            var obj = {
        console.log(mydata); //1
    console.log(mydata); //2
    //I then want to select various elements on my page and set some attributes to
    //an object in my data, but I can't since everything is undefined

At the first spot it logs my data correctly, but at second spot it logs an empty array. I read this article on global variables in JavaScript so I'm not sure what is going wrong.


The second part (//2) runs too soon. When $.get executes, it just starts the HTTP request to get the CSV, but doesn't wait for it to finish - that's why you need to pass that function(data) in. After the request finishes, the callback function gets called, and it's there that you should continue your initialization.

So, your code should look something like that below. (if you need to use the data elsewhere, you can keep on using the global, but it's not needed just for this)

$(document).ready( function () {
    $.get('./datafile.csv', function(data) {
        var mydata = [];
        var head = data.split("\n");
        // ...

        console.log(mydata); //1
        continueSetup(mydata); // 2

function continueSetup(mydata) {
    // do what you need

Collected from the Internet

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