Rails 5 pdf preview with Shrine Gem

Charles Smith

I am using Shrine Gem for image uploads and was wondering how, if possible, can I show a 1st page preview in my template like showing an image per-say. I am ok with using jQuery or other library. Below is my code for the file upload, including my Shrine initializer and uploader file.


<div class="col-md-4 upload-block">
    <%= f.label :spec_sheet, 'Spec Sheet' %>
      <% if @product.spec_sheet.present? %>
        <div class="product-image">
          <%= image_tag(@product.spec_sheet_url(:thumb)) %>
            <div class="input-checkbox input-checkbox--switch">
              <input name="product[remove_spec_sheet]" type="hidden" value="0">
              <input id="checkbox-switch" type="checkbox" name="product[remove_spec_sheet]">
              <label for="checkbox-switch"></label>
            <span>Remove Spec Sheet</span>
        <% end %>
          <%= f.hidden_field :spec_sheet, value: @product.cached_spec_sheet_data %>
            <%= f.file_field :spec_sheet %>


require 'shrine'
require 'shrine/storage/file_system'

Shrine.storages = {
    cache: Shrine::Storage::FileSystem.new('public', prefix: 'uploads/cache'),
    store: Shrine::Storage::FileSystem.new('public', prefix: 'uploads/store'),

Shrine.plugin :activerecord
Shrine.plugin :remove_attachment
Shrine.plugin :delete_raw
Shrine.plugin :cached_attachment_data # for forms 


require 'image_processing/mini_magick'
class ImageUploader < Shrine
  include ImageProcessing::MiniMagick

  plugin :determine_mime_type
  plugin :remove_attachment
  plugin :store_dimensions
  plugin :validation_helpers
  plugin :processing
  plugin :versions
  plugin(:default_url) { |_|  '/img/preview-not-available.jpg' }

  Attacher.validate do
    validate_max_size MAX_IMAGE_SIZE_MB.megabytes, message: "is too large (max is #{MAX_IMAGE_SIZE_MB} MB)"
    validate_mime_type_inclusion %w[image/jpeg image/jpg image/png image/gif]

  process(:store) do |io|
    original = io.download

    size_1500 = resize_to_limit!(original, 1500, 600)
    size_500 = resize_to_limit(size_1500,  500, 500)
    size_300 = resize_to_limit(size_500,  300, 300)

    {original: size_1500, medium: size_500, thumb: size_300 }

If you want to show PDF previews, you'll need to generate them on the server side. In that case it's best to use direct uploads (see the demo for an example of a client side implementation).

You can then generate PDFs preview on direct upload:

# config/initializers/shrine.rb
Shrine.plugin :determine_mime_type

# app/models/image_uploader.rb
class ImageUploader < Shrine
  plugin :processing
  plugin :versions

  process(:upload) do |io, context|
    if Shrine.determine_mime_type(io) == "application/pdf"
      preview = Tempfile.new(["shrine-pdf-preview", ".pdf"], binmode: true)
        IO.popen *%W[mutool draw -F png -o - #{io.path} 1], "rb" do |command|
          IO.copy_stream(command, preview)
      rescue Errno::ENOENT
        fail "mutool is not installed"

      preview.open # flush & rewind

    versions = { original: io }
    versions[:preview] = preview if preview && preview.size > 0
  • the upload_endpoint sets the :upload processing action, so that's the meaning of process(:upload)
  • we use rb for IO.popen so that Ruby uses binary encoding, which is more safe and cross-platform
  • Kernel#spawn and any methods that use spawn (system, IO.popen etc.) will raise Errno::ENOENT when shell command was not found
  • we use *%W[] instead of just "" so that Ruby avoids the shell (and with that any possible shell escaping issues) and passes the command directly to the OS
  • we check whether the preview file is nonempty because it will be empty in case the mutool command failed (in this case we probably want to fall back to not displaying a preview)

The result of the POST request to the upload_endpoint will now contain the uploaded file ID of the preview, which you can use to generate the URL to the preview. In your case that would be "/uploads/cache" + id.

Note that this means you'll have to slightly modify the processing code that is called when cached file is promoted to permanent storage. In the process(:store) do |io, context| block the io will now be a hash of versions, so you can access the original cached file via io[:original]. And be sure to also include the preview file in the result of that block, as you'll likely want to keep it.

process(:store) do |io, context|
  original = io[:original].download

  # processing...

  versions = io.dup
  versions[:small] = small
  versions[:medium] = medium
  # ...

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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