How to update multiple rows of multiple columns with single value having same condition for every column


I have a table having different type of Fees like security fees, tuition fees, admission fees etc and all of these column accept null values too.

I want to update all null values of these columns with 0 value. I can write different update query for each column but because condition and value for all the columns is same I wanna learn to do it in a single update query.

securityFees | TuitionFees | AdmissionFees
 150            500             null
 null           450              120
 150            null             120         

How can I replace all null values with zero?

Update Table_Fees
 set securityFees = 0,
     TuitionFees  = 0,
     AdmissionFees = 0
where securityFees = null 
and   TuitionFees  = null
and   AdmissionFees = null;

or/and both operator are not useful in this case

PS: I can't change the structure of table. I can only replace null values with 0 through coding.


I've solved the answer by CASE

Update Table_Fees
 set securityFees = CASE when securityFees = null then 0 else securityFees END,
     TuitionFees  = CASE when TuitionFees  = null then 0 else TuitionFees  END,
     AdmissionFees = CASE when AdmissionFees = null then 0 else AdmissionFees END;

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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