How to store selected rows into tuple?

Pal Csanyi

I have following code to select rows from a SQLite database:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import sqlite3 as lite
import sys

csat = lite.connect('Tanuloim.db')

with csat:
    hely = csat.cursor()

    for evflym in range (5, 6):
    hely.execute('select count() from tanulo where evf=? and tannyelv="Sr"', (evflym,))
    xlegnagySr = (hely.fetchone()[0])

    hely.execute('select count() from tanulo where evf=? and tannyelv="Hu"', (evflym,))
    xlegnagyHu = (hely.fetchone()[0])

    hely.execute('select count() from munkadbnevsora where evf=?', (evflym,))
    ylegnagy = (hely.fetchone()[0])

    print ('Ennyi magyar ötödikes tanuló van - xlegnagyHu:', xlegnagyHu)
    print ('Ennyi szerb ötödikes tanuló van - xlegnagySr:', xlegnagySr)
    print ('Ennyi munkadarab van az ötödikben - ylegnagy:', ylegnagy)
    print ('evfolyam:', evflym)

    hely.execute('select tanuloneve from tanulo where evf=? and tannyelv="Sr"', (evflym,))
    """" This is returned as a tuple, let it named tuple1. """
    for x in range (0, xlegnagySr):
        print (hely.fetchone()[0])

    hely.execute('select munkdbnevesr from munkadbnevsora where evf=?', (evflym,)')
    """" This is returned as a tuple, let it named tuple2. """
    for y in range (0, ylegnagy):
        print (hely.fetchone()[0])

Example for tuple1:

[('tanulo1',), ('tanulo2',), ('tanulo3',), ... ('tanulo19',)] 

where the number of 19 in tanulo19 indicate that that xlegnagySr=19.

Example for tuple2:

[('munkdbnevesr1',), ('munkdbnevesr2',), ('munkdbnevesr3',),... ('munkdbnevesr13',)] 

where 13 indicate that that ylegnagy=13.

The desired result should look like this:

thirdtable = [('tanulo1','munkadbnevesr1'),('tanulo1','munkadbnevesr2'),.‌​..('tanulo1','munkad‌​bnevesr13'),('tanulo‌​2','munkadbnevesr1')‌​,('tanulo2','munkadb‌​nevesr2'),...,('tanu‌​lo2','munkadbnevesr1‌​3'), ...,('tanulo19','munkadbnevesr13')]  

where numbers 19 and 13 indicates that that xlegnagySr=19 and ylegnagy=13.

So what I want is this: to insert into third database table some combined values from tuple1 and tuple2.

I think the way for this is to save sql queries into tuple1 and tuple2 and then in a for statement insert values into third table.

To do something that is opposite to this:

# Larger example that inserts many records at a time
purchases = [('2006-03-28', 'BUY', 'IBM', 1000, 45.00),
             ('2006-04-05', 'BUY', 'MSFT', 1000, 72.00),
             ('2006-04-06', 'SELL', 'IBM', 500, 53.00),
c.executemany('INSERT INTO stocks VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)', purchases)

How can I do this?

The schema for my database follows:

CREATE TABLE munkadbnevsora (
  sorszam integer CONSTRAINT ek_munkadbnevsora PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT ,
  evf integer NOT NULL ,
  negyedev integer NOT NULL ,
  munkdbnevehu text NOT NULL COLLATE nocase ,
  munkdbnevesr text NOT NULL COLLATE nocase
  azszam integer UNIQUE NOT NULL ,
  tanuloneve text NOT NULL COLLATE nocase ,
  tannyelv text NOT NULL COLLATE nocase ,
  evf integer NOT NULL ,
  tagozat text NOT NULL COLLATE nocase ,
  osztfonok text NOT NULL COLLATE nocase 
CREATE TABLE egyedimunkadb (
  az integer CONSTRAINT ek_egyedimunkadb PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,
  tanulo_akie_amunkadb text NOT NULL REFERENCES tanulo (azszam) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ,
  munkadb_anevsorbol integer NOT NULL REFERENCES munkadbnevsora (sorszam) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ,
  jegy integer ,
  indoklas text

So I realized that that my python code and example of tuple2 is wrong, because the desired data filled into third table, which has the name 'egyedimunkadb' should look like this:

egyedimunkadb = [(1,'tanulo1',1),(2,'tanulo1',2),.‌​..(13,'tanulo1',13),(14,'tanulo‌​2',1)‌​,(15,'tanulo2',2),...,(26,'tanu‌​lo2',1‌​3), ...,(N,'tanulo19',19)]

where N is a number I do not know now.

Finally it works! I put the following code of @CL. into python script:

hely.execute('INSERT INTO egyedimunkadb(tanulo_akie_amunkadb, munkadb_anevsorbol) SELECT tanuloneve, sorszam FROM tanulo CROSS JOIN munkadbnevsora WHERE tanulo.evf = ? AND munkadbnevsora.evf = ? AND tanulo.tannyelv = "Sr" ', (evflym, evflym))

and it populates the third database table with data as I expected.

Best, Pál


The INSERT statement can accept a query. In this case, you want all possible combinations, which is a cross join:

INSERT INTO egyedimunkadb(tanulo_akie_amunkadb, munkadb_anevsorbol)
SELECT tanulo, sorszam
FROM tanulo
CROSS JOIN munkadbnevsora
WHERE tanulo.evf = ?
  AND munkadbnevsora.evf = ?
  AND tanulo.tannyelv = 'Sr';

Collected from the Internet

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