How to limit the number of customers entered MVC


I'm trying to create a code where when the user enters five customers into the gridview it gives them an error saying that they should only enter 5 customers; what is happening now is that the user can any amount of customers. I added the error line but it seems I put it the wrong place because the user is still able to add more than 5.

for (int i = 0; i < getCustomer.items.Count; i++)
    if ([i].idNumber ==
        ViewBag.errorMessage = "ID number already exists";
        return View(getCustomer);

    if (getCustomer.items.Count >5)
        viewBag.errorMessage=Error, You can only enter 5 customers at a time;


if (name.Count == 0)
    nametbl.connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CUSTOMERConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
        name = nametbl.getName();
    catch (Exception ex)
        LogWrite logWriter = new LogWrite(ex.ToString());
        ViewBag.errorMessage = "Unable to Connect to Database. Please see Log file for more Information";
        return View(getCustomer);

You just need to return from command flow like so:

   if (getCustomer.items.Count >5)
        viewBag.errorMessage=Error, You can only enter 5 customers at a time; // <=== AFTER THIS LINE
        return View(getCustomer);

Collected from the Internet

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