When I put a number larger than 1 in my binary-to-decimal converter, I get the error startIndex cannot be larger than length of string


I'm trying to create a program that converts a 5 digit binary number to decimal. As it stands, the conversion works perfectly, but I'm having trouble with giving an error message if the user inputs a number larger than 1.

for (int i = 4; i>=0; i--)
    digit = txt_input.Text.Substring(i,1);
    num = Convert.ToInt32(digit);

    //If a digit is 1 or 0
    if (num <= 1)
        total += num * (Math.Pow(2, x));
        x += 1;
        goahead = 1;

    //If a digit is not 1 or 0
    if (num > 1)
        lst_output.Items.Add("All digits must be either 1 or 0.");
        i = 10;
        goahead = 0;

When the user inputs 1's or 0's the program works as intended, but when a number larger than 1 is inputted, I get the error "startIndex cannot be larger than length of string" on line 3.

If a number with more or less than 5 digits is inputted, the user gets a message saying that the number must be 5 digits long. So as far as I can tell, the problem isn't the size of the startIndex. Especially since, no matter what the user inputs, startIndex remains unchanged.


Imagine your input is 10103.

Now pay attention to this part of the code:

if (num > 1)
    lst_output.Items.Add("All digits must be either 1 or 0.");
    i = 10;
    goahead = 0;

Why are you making i = 10 here?

So if you input is the above string, in the first iteration you'd go into the if statement above, add the message to lst_output, then set i to 10. Then you go back to the for loop and the i >= 0 condition is still true so you go inside the for loop once again. Now your i = 1, but your string is of length 5.


digit = txt_input.Text.Substring(i,1);

Here now you're trying to take a substring of length 1 that starts at the index = 10, from a string that is only 5 characters long.

Of course it would throw

startIndex cannot be larger than length of string. Parameter name: startIndex.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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