Add custom data attributes to Semantic UI Dropdown when items are retrieved via Ajax


Here is how I was building my dropdown (in haml):

#my_dropdown.ui.dropdown{ data: { path: objects_path } }
  = f.hidden_field :my_id
  .default.text Text
    - @collection.each do |object|
      .item{ data: { value:, text:, color: object.color } }

This was working great. My .item elements had extra data, such as .data('color'). I decided I wanted to switch to an ajax approach instead of loading all of the elements at once.

$.fn.api.settings.api =
    'search objects': $('#my_dropdown').data('path') + '?q={query}'

      action: 'search objects'

    onChange: (value, text, selectedItem) ->

Here is what my returned JSON looks like:

  "results": [
    { "name":"Object #1", "value":1, "color":"blue" },
    { "name":"Object #2", "value":2, "color":"red" },
    { "name":"Object #3", "value":3, "color":"green" }

When I do the console.log after the dropdown select is changed, I only see:

{ value: 1 }

And the generated HTML looks like:

<div class="item" data-value="1">Object #1</div>
<div class="item" data-value="2">Object #2</div>
<div class="item" data-value="3">Object #3</div>

How can I get the items to include the custom data attributes, such as data-color while using Ajax?


I was able to manually override the Semantic UI menu template with the following code:

$.fn.dropdown.settings.templates =
  menu: (response, fields) ->
    values = response[fields.values] or {}
    html = ''
    $.each values, (index, option) ->
      extraData = ''
      $.each fields.extraAttrs, (_j, attr) ->
        if option[attr]
          extraData += "data-#{attr}='" + option[attr] + "''"

      maybeText = if option[fields.text] then 'data-text="' + option[fields.text] + '"' else ''
      maybeDisabled = if option[fields.disabled] then 'disabled ' else ''
      html += '<div class="' + maybeDisabled + 'item" data-value="' + option[fields.value] + '"' + extraData + maybeText + '>'
      html += option[]
      html += '</div>'

Then when I'm initializing my dropdown, I can do:

      action: 'search objects'
      extraAttrs: ['color']

That allows me to access extra data elements on each of the dropdown items. If someone has a better way to do this, please let me know.

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