Using a Hashmap to keep track of original count or not

John Anderson :

I am scanning the MediaStore on app start. I iterate over it for audio tracks and store them. I also store other aspects like albums. I store the tracks in an ArrayList and that also goes for albums (different ArrayList) This works fine but I have started to consider the performance.

I want to keep track of tracks count, for each album, while scanning. So, I originally used a HashMap of album id -> tracks count. With each track I get during scanning, I check if the HashMap (associated with the album id) exists or not. I create it when it does not exist and update it with the count otherwise. Then, after the scanning, I would iterate over the albums ArrayList and update the entries with the information from HashMap by using the HashMap lookup.

I am starting to wonder if it is worth it to use HashMap here for performance. Will skipping the HashMap and looking up the album I want to update, using a for loop, then updating it, be better in performance?


Edit: since I cannot post the code because it is a large chunk, so I will simplify it. Original code:

private void scanTracks()
    HashMap<Long, Integer> albumHashMap= new HashMap<>();

    // Iterate over tracks in MediaStore Block Start

    // Get albumId.

    if (!albumHashMap.containsKey(albumId))
        albumHashMap.put(albumId, 1);
        albumHashMap.put(albumId, albumHashMap.get(albumId) + 1);

    // Iterate over tracks in MediaStore Block End

    for(Album album : mAlbums)

Here is the alternative implementation I am suggesting.

private void scanTracks()
    // Iterate over tracks in MediaStore Block Start

    // Get albumId.

    for (Album album : mAlbums)
        if (album.getId() == albumId)

    // Iterate over tracks in MediaStore Block End
Hung Thai :

I am scanning the MediaStore on app start. I iterate over it for audio tracks and store them. I also store other aspects like albums. I store the tracks in an ArrayList and that also goes for albums (different ArrayList) This works fine but I have started to consider the performance.

With this description, I understand that you have a list of all the tracks, which is not grouped by album. Then, you have another list of all the albums.

If that's the case, with the use of HashMap, the time complexity will be O(n + m), where n and m is the count of tracks and albums, respectively. Haven't evaluated the performance of the other way, I can say that this is a sign of good performance.

Now, if you go through each album in the album list, and then iterate the tracks to count, the time complexity would be O(m*n), which is far worse than the above O(m + n).

So in recap, use HashMap.

Collected from the Internet

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