how to use decorator in a class


I know there is similar question, but my scenario is somehow different: refer to codes:

class MyClass(object):
    def __init__(self, log_location)
        self.logs = logging(log_location) # create log object by the log_location, this object should be used by the decorator fucntion

    def record_log(log_object): 
        """ this is the decorator function
        def deco(func):
            def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
                rs = func()

                # use log object to record log
                if rs:

            return wrap
        return deco

   def test(self):
       rs = do_some_thing
       if rs:
            return True
       return False

def main():
    my_class = MyClass()

But, there is an error like this:

NameError: name 'self' is not defined

Hos should I use the instance attribute self.logs in a decorator function in such scenario like this??

Thanks very much!

Vadim Landa

There are several objections about your code:

  1. deco() is redundant. You can directly return wrap from record_log().

  2. If you only plan to decorate MyClass's methods, then there is no point in passing log_object to the decorator, as self.logs will always be used. Otherwise, consider moving the decorator to module level, as already suggested by others.

  3. The decorated method's return value is currently lost.

  4. The call to the decorated function does not pass self to it.

The proper code would therefore be:

class MyClass(object):
    def __init__(self, log_location):
        self.logs = logging(log_location)

    def record_log(func):
        """ this is the decorator function
        def wrap(self):
            rs = func(self)
            # use log object to record log
            if rs:
                print 1
                print 2
            return rs
        return wrap

    def test(self):
       rs = do_some_thing
       if rs:
            return True
       return False

Collected from the Internet

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