How to build MacOSX executables on Travis CI?

Björn Johansson

I have a small python program that depends only on wxPython. I developed this on Linux and I have managed to set up automatic build of a windows executable using wine on Travis CI (seguid_calculator on github).

My solution involves a combination of a recent wine release and Pyinstaller.

I would like to do a similar thing for MacOS. I understand that there is a MacOSX build environment on Travis as well. I have zero experience with the MacOSX os and I do not own a Mac. I have understood that you can install third party packages using something called "homebrew"

Is there an example out there for what I would like to do? An example travis.yml file would be great!

Thanks for any input, /Björn

* Edit *

I have created a sample wxpython app that only opens a window. It is located at I uses the .travis.yml below which produces executables that do not work.

- osx
language: objective-c
- '2.7'
- brew update
- brew outdated xctool || brew upgrade xctool
- brew install python
- brew install wxpython
- pip install pyinstaller
- pyinstaller --noconsole --onefile
- ls
- ls dist/
- hdiutil create dist/hw.dmg -srcfolder dist/ -ov
install: true
  skip_cleanup: true
  provider: releases
    secure: VK1oVWQCRomgcFNVua00B3YSsotezzU1p6/fh73/0vwQFzVMolVnAsnfSq6EAwIcJvakU0TI9pqZR+0S3PKnUs+Kn3Ar8OwQ88t2azZNwewBfKua3tM2/7BF4y7O0gOtN1F29Yxyu0zPInIVY17BqGygibQ1kthBTm+tj3YyNW8=
    - "dist/hw"
    - "dist/hw.dmg"
    tags: true
    all_branches: true
    repo: BjornFJohansson/macapp

basically, first I update xtools (I have seen many do this, so I decided to do it as well). Then I brew install python and wxpython. Then I pip install pyinstaller. I use the pyinstaller command which produces an executable (hw) and an "" folder under ./dist.

I didnt manage to deploy the .app folder, so I make a .dmg using hdiutil. I then deploy to github releases.

Could someone tell me what might be wrong with this set up?

The travis log can be found here :


The reason why it didn't work ist that the wxPython version installed via homebrew is not 32bit. You need to install the dmg from the wxPython homepage. I found a script that does that there:

I forked your example and managed to get it running (

.travis.yml now looks like this:

language: objective-c
- '2.7'
- which python
- brew install python --universal --framework
- brew install wget
- which python
- defaults write Prefer-32-Bit -bool yes
- which python
- python --version
#- arch -i386 brew install wxpython --universal
- mkdir dl
- cd dl
- wget
- ls
- cd ..
- sudo ./
- arch -i386 python -c "import wx; print wx.__version__"
- arch -i386 pip install pyinstaller
- arch -i386 pyinstaller --noconsole --onefile
- ls
- hdiutil create dist/hw.dmg -srcfolder dist/ -ov
- zip -r dist/ dist/
- ls dist/
install: true
  provider: releases
  skip_cleanup: true
    secure: KjdN4hSHWU3ZDg6lpDNMB2we9jLayM9C8pwyQrV/Xzq8HNH5eNHP8ScI64tvnS0yJegOXnHFwUhUrkMtEs3X29TKrom+8tJ5E52IdBO7xO8fqOfeugC2239vLzc3tNI6RJX/K7CZTsSRu5U++1RJVgcWYjrCln87DuXG+HZRdOI=
    - "dist/hw.dmg"
    - "dist/"
    tags: true
    all_branches: true
    repo: paulmueller/macapp

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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