Angular filter works, but sees input as undefined and throws error


I wrote a filter that appears to be working fine, although I am getting the following error.

TypeError: Cannot read property 'replaceAll' of undefined

The filter replaces erroneous relative urls with absolute ones. Here is the filter and markup.

//located elsewhere
String.prototype.replaceAll = function(s,r){
    return this.split(s).join(r);
//located elsewhere
var imgBase = '<img src="';

app.filter('prependImg_topic', function(){
  return function(cooked) {
    return cooked.replaceAll('<img src="//', imgBase);


<div class="topic-post-body" ng-bind-html="topic.post_stream.posts[0].cooked | prependImg_topic "></div> "

I have an inclination that I need to use $sce because I am inputting the data in ng-bind-html. If I print the value like so: {{topic.post_stream.posts[0].cooked}} , it exists, so I know it is not undefined. In addition, the filter works and properly writes urls. Go figure.

I can provide any additional details needed to help answer. Thanks.

EDIT: Another oddity that may help is that inside of a ng-repeat this filter works, and throws no errors. Trippy stuff!

<div class="post" ng-repeat="post in posts" ng-if="$index > 0">
     <div class="topic-post-body" ng-bind-html="post.cooked | prependImg_topic"></div>

I guess the data is loaded asynchronously, if that's the case it is no wonder the filter throws an errors since it is trying to operate on (yet) non-existent data. The check you make {{ topic ... }} doesn't prove anything because it will print the data if that data will eventually come (better check with console.log). The reason why the filter inside ng-repeat doesn't throw any errors is because the ng-repeat will only work if there is any data to iterate on, that means that when the filter inside ng-repeat runs the data is already there. That's also the reason why you should always construct filters in such a way that they can handle undefined or null values without throwing.

Collected from the Internet

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