How to display messages in Thymeleaf and Spring Boot?


I created a Spring Boot web application that uses Thymeleaf as the template engine. I configured the MessageSource to look for messages in a subfolder:

public MessageSource messageSource() {
    final ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource messageSource = new ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource();


    return messageSource;

In this folder I created the file with the content ticket.type.BUG=Fehler. In my template I try to display the text like this:

<p th:text="#{ticket.type.BUG}">BUG</p>

But when the page is rendered, I get the following:


What am I missing? Do I have to configure any additional beans?


On the 'server side' I am able to obtain the message using MessageSource#getMessage("ticket.type.BUG", null, Locale.GERMANY).


Because I am using Spring Boot, the MessageSource is configured with a MessageSourceAutoConfiguration. These settings can be easily changed in the file. In my case I had to add the following to this file:


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