Can I trigger travis ci to build my app by creating git tag?

Vladimir Starkov

I want to trigger Travis CI to build and deploy when I create tag via github web interface. I can't find information about triggers for Travis CI. So can I do it?


A build should automatically start when a new tag is created. To deploy you have to add the follow bit to the deploy section:

   tags: true

Here is a complete example:

language: php

- 5.3
- 5.4

  provider: heroku
  strategy: git
  skip_cleanup: true
  app: myapp
    tags: true
    php: '5.4'
    secure: NL10DAVFJJPk7mHdKeN3q5hpKgRq/gKpEnsXeBb7dDcnW0XuwmO88srMVbYHOA6w3kw50aPkKZ1AirElPjcpm2uxEz/tW7PpshY8fGDKdCyuczXKh24avTpD8nF8lskTIPXVpwWBYxCoFziRsd+eQBKHCsRyrQcv0mjg2j2MoNE=

Travis CI has a nice documentation about all the possibilities.

Collected from the Internet

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