Convert JSONArray to List<HashMap<String,Object>> in java without GSON

Mohammed Idris :

I have a JSONArray from net.minidev.json which I want to convert to List<HashMap<String,Object>>.

There are many answers for converting the JSONArray using Gson.

However, I cannot add Gson as a dependency to my pom.xml, so I am looking for a way to achieve it with Java-8 features.

My JSONArray is something like this: It comprises multiple hierarchies.

    "data": {
      "name": "idris"
    "children": [
        "processStandardDeduction": 69394,
        "cropId": 1,
        "data": null,
        "expectedQuantityPerAcre": 1220,
        "name": "Red Tomato 1 quality",
        "id": 1003,
        "autoArchivePlotDays": 59902
        "processStandardDeduction": 69394,
        "cropId": 1,
        "autoArchivePlotDays": 59902
        "processStandardDeduction": 69394,
        "cropId": 1,
        "autoArchivePlotDays": 59902
    "name": "Red Tomato",
    "id": 1002
    "data": null,
    "name": "Red Tomato 1 quality",
    "id": 1003,
    "processStandardDeduction": 69394,
    "cropId": 1,
    "expectedQuantityPerAcre": 1220,
    "cropName": "Tomato",
    "autoArchivePlotDays": 59902
    "data": null,
    "name": "Red Tomato 3 quality",
    "id": 1001,
    "processStandardDeduction": 69394,
    "autoArchivePlotDays": 59902
    "processStandardDeduction": 69394,
    "cropId": 1,
    "data": null,
    "id": 1004,
    "autoArchivePlotDays": 59902

I would like to achieve same structure in List>

I tried looping each element of the JSONArray by converting it to each HashMap<String,Object> and then adding it to the List<HashMap<String,Object>>.

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
List<HashMap<String, Object>> cropDetailsList = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Object eachCropJson : cropDetails) { //cropDetails is the JSONArray

            HashMap<String, Object> eachCropMap = (HashMap<String, Object>) mapper.convertValue(eachCropJson,
return cropDetailsList;

I would like to try a better approach using Java-8 features without using a forEach. Thanks in advance.

Deadpool :

If you get this JSON as String then you can use ObjectMapper.readValue method

readValue(String content, TypeReference valueTypeRef)


List<HashMap<String, Object>> cropDetailsList = mapper.readValue(jsonString,
                                   new TypeReference<List<HashMap<String, Object>>>(){});

In the same way if you want to iterate JSONArray

List<HashMap<String, Object>> cropDetailsList =
            .map(eachCropJson->(HashMap<String, Object>) mapper.convertValue(eachCropJson, HashMap.class))

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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