Apache mod_wsgi python variable persistance


For some time I have been using mod_wsgi with global variables. The global vars have been persistant across sessions in the past. Suddenly now they are not persistant. Each request loads a fresh instance and persistence is lost.

I want to enforce wsgi (for now) remembering the variables from previous requests. Is there an Apache config option such as daemon option or middleware that can enforce the behavior I had going previously?

Graham Dumpleton

It sounds like the issue may be that you were using daemon mode of mod_wsgi previously, with default of a single process, and then mucked up the Apache/mod_wsgi configuration and have fallen back to use embedded mode of mod_wsgi, which means you are subject to whatever Apache configuration is. The Apache configuration is generally multiprocess though.


So confirm whether you are working in embedded mode or daemon mode.

You can also verify whether in multi process or multi threaded configuration.

You can also do:

import mod_wsgi

to confirm what configuration you are running under.

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