what does this error mean, and how to fix it?


Here's my code

let rec Interest a b c =
    if (c=0) then b else Interest(a ((1.0+a)*b) (c-1));;

The error is:

if (c=0) then b else Interest(a ((1.0+a)*b) (c-1));;


stdin(2,26): error FS0001: Type mismatch. Expecting a 'a but given a 'a -> int -> 'a The resulting type would be infinite when unifying ''a' and ''a -> int -> 'a' >


You've defined Interest as a function that takes three arguments but what you pass doesn't match that. The way it's written, you're only passing in a single argument to the recursive call to Interest - the parenthesized expression a ((1.0=a)*b) (c-1). Here, a is inferred to be a function of two arguments, ((1.0=a)*b) and (c-1).

Long story short, this throws off the type inference algorithm, until it gives up saying that it can't get a hang of what type to give to Interest.

What you want is this:

let rec Interest a b c =
    if (c=0) then b else Interest a ((1.0=a)*b) (c-1)

You'll also have a problem with (1.0=a). This evaluates to a boolean value that you later want to multiply with b. Not sure what the intent is, but you might be looking for something like (if 1.0 = a then 1 else 0)?

Unlike C-like languages that support implicit conversions between "bools" and ints, F# requires you to make all your conversions explicit to ensure correctness (this goes for converting between numeric types as well).

Collected from the Internet

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