Bean Validation transforms Object RequestParam into @RequestBody

Ioana R.

I have the following:

 @PostMapping(produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
 public ResponseEntity<LoginResponse> getLoginStatus(@Valid LoginRequest loginRequest){
        //some stuff here

The loginRequest paramater is a @RequestParam, but, because it is a custom object, the @RequestParam annotation in front of the object is not needed. The problem is that when any bean-validation annotation is put in front of the custom object, the object is transformed into a body parameter(@RequestBody), but we want to validate the object as request param, not body param.

Could anyone help me, please?


The reason why the LoginRequest attributes became part of the RequestBody, and not of RequestParameters anymore, is due to springfox-swagger version 2.6.1. Upgrading to version 2.7.0 fixed this issue for us.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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