React-native facebook login crash on Android

Ville Miekk-oja

I'm using react-native facebook login through this library: react-native-fbsdk. Following the installation guide did not completely get it working, but I managed to get it working after modifications on the native side, as instructed in many github issues etc.

Anyways, it was working fine two weeks ago, but now, when I try to login with facebook, the application immediately crashes. It doesn't open any login page or do anything else.

What is weird is that if I open a browser in the emulator, leave it to background, and then try to login, the login goes further (I get to actually login, but when I'm directed back, the application crashes).

From the tombstone files I am able to get following warnings/messages:

  1. Expected native library version number "",actual native library version number ""

  2. Tens like these:

Could not find generated setter for class com.facebook.reactnative.androidsdk.FBLoginButtonManager

How could I solve this problem? And why it doesn't work anymore? I didn't change anything in the code. Only thing I can think of is that it loads something from the internet during compiling the application. How could it otherwise fail?

Ville Miekk-oja

This is answer for how I solved the problem, not that much about why it was behaving like this.

In short:

I got it working again by updating the emulator and android API 6.0 through Android Studio.

<Rant state='begin'>

I have no idea why this worked, nor why did it broke in the first place. As it was working good with the old emulator and API 6.0 earlier.

It seems like the react-native fbsdk is far from stable. Or then it is completely react-native's fault, idk to be honest. But this just makes me want to develop fully native, instead of react-native, which seems unstable from my experience so far.

<Rant state='end'>

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