How to remove lines with specific pattern and next line

D. Elliott

I am new to Unix and currently I have a large file of various data. In this file there are lines that are now redundant and will need to be removed.

In the file the pattern:

<contact contact_id="<number>" txn="D">

Edit: There are also similar lines to the ones to be removed, an example is:

<contact contact_id="<number>" txn="N">

I have attempted to use grep -A 1 to pick up the pattern and remove the next line however I am operating on an old version of Solaris and -A is an illegal expression.

As well as this I have attempted to use sed -e '12442,+1d' and this just give the ouput of

sed: command garbled: 12442,+1d


Please can you help me with a new solution.


use awk?

something like

/<contact contact_id=.* txn="D">/ { got_contact = 1; next }
got_contact == 1 { got_contact = 0; next }
{ print }

even the ancient awk should be able to handle that. (There might be a more compact solution, but this isn't code golf)

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