How to make HTTP requests in angular and get the body from the object?

Samson Maben

This is the Image of the API request results

Here I am writing a service named FaqService to make HTTP request and calling that service in a component .

getServers(data: string){
    return this.http.get(Staticdata.apiBaseUrl + "/2.2/search/advanced?key="+ Staticdata.key +"&access_token="+ Staticdata.access_token +"&/2.2/search/advanced?order=desc&sort=activity&accepted=True&closed=True&title=" + data + Staticdata.redirectUrl + "&filter="+ Staticdata.filters)
        (response: Response) => {
            const items = response.json();
            return items;
        (error: Response) => {
            return Observable.throw(error);


    this.router.navigate(['results'], {relativeTo: this.route});

        (item: any[]) => {
        (error) => console.log(error)

Here in this HTML template how do i pass through the API results and get the body.

<div  class="entryTitle" *ngFor = "let item of items">
<h1>Search results for :{{ item.body }}</h1>

{{ item.body }} will refer to this.item.body in your component. So you'll need to create a field:

public item; // <------- add the field
    this.router.navigate(['results'], {relativeTo: this.route});

        (item: any[]) => {
            this.item = item; // <------- assign it here
        (error) => console.log(error)

and change your html to:

<h1>Search results for :{{ item?.body }}</h1>

for a truthy check.

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