SAPUI5: Binding Context of view doesn't get unbinded

Thomas L.

I am developing in SAPUI5 and bind a JSON Model Context against a create entity view. This is my binding (Info: I am using a JSON model to bind against):

var oContext = new sap.ui.model.Context(
                   "/EntitySet/" + iNextEntryInEntitySet);

However after I successfully create my new entity I'm navigating to the new entity. If I now want to create another entity the values which I submitted in the create entity view are still there.
I already tried many things like this.getView().unbindContext();or this.getView().unbindObject(); or this.getView().unbindElement();

All these functions did not lead to a fresh create view. However, the binding context get's updated, because I am able to create another new entity out of this.
Is there another possible solution?

Andrii Naumovych

Try to call invalidate method on your form or view.

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