Rails ActiveAdmin not Working on Heroku but works on Localhost


I installed ActiveAdmin gem on an existing project, and I was able to Login on Localhost and following the documentation everything works perfectly on localhost. But on Heroku I can't login. After running heroku run rake db:seed I can't login with the usual.

Email: [email protected] 
Password: password

I am getting the following error

Invalid Email or password.

Any Idea on how to fix this?


I got it to work. The problem was in the db/seed.rb file. Looks like Heroku removed access for free users to access the console from the terminal. So heroku run rake or rails console didn't work.

Earlier I didn't read the code in the seed file till the end. Here is it:

AdminUser.create!(email: '[email protected]', password: 'password', password_confirmation: 'password') if Rails.env.development?

This means the sample AdminUser created is meant to work only in development environment. It became a production environment the moment it was pushed on heroku. And since I cannot go into the rails console through Heroku. I had to add a new line in the seed file like so:

AdminUser.create!(email: '[email protected]', password: 'SomePassword', password_confirmation: 'SomePassword') 

Now re-push this to heroku. And run heroku run rake db:seed

Now the new AdminUser details will work on your whateveryouwantyoursitetobe.com/admin

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