Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input error when i try to take data from mysql

Bogdan Bibina

I try to make to load the content from mysqldb using an animation and a limit of content taken and it takes content is displaying when it gets at the end of content the animation of loading is continue loading a I get this error

My script:



     var limit = 7;
     var start = 0;
     var action = 'inactive';
     function load_country_data(limit, start)
       data:{limit:limit, start:start},
        var obj2 = JSON.parse(data);
            var i=0;
            var j=0;

        for(i in obj2){
        //for(j in obj2[i]){
       $('#load_data').prepend("<form><div class='panel panel-white post panel-shadow user-post'><div class='post-heading'><div class='pull-left image'><img src='static/"+obj2[i][4]+"' class='img-circle avatar' alt='user profile image'></div><div class='pull-left meta'> <div class='title h5'><a href='#'><b>"+obj2[i][1]+"</b></a> made a post.</div><h6 class='text-muted time'>1 minute ago</h6></div></div> <div class='post-description'> <p>"+obj2[i][0]+"</p><div class='stats'><a href='#' class='btn btn-default stat-item'> <i class='fa fa-thumbs-up icon'></i>2</a> <a href='#' class='btn btn-default stat-item'><i class='fa fa-share icon'></i>12</a></div></div><div class='post-footer'><div class='input-group'> <input class='form-control' placeholder='Add a comment' type='text'></div>                </div></div></form>" );
     //  }

       // $('#load_data').append(data);
        if(data == '')
         $('#load_data_message').html("No Data Found");
         action = 'active';
         $('#load_data_message').html("<div class='loadingC'><div class='loadingCcerc'</div></div>");
         action = "inactive";

     if(action == 'inactive')
      action = 'active';
      load_country_data(limit, start);
      if($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() > $("#load_data").height() && action == 'inactive')
       action = 'active';
       start = start + limit;
        load_country_data(limit, start);
       }, 800);


I see something that the error came from json.parse My python script:

def select_index():
    select="SELECT comments.post,comments.name,comments.post_id , register.id,register.profile_pic,comments.id FROM comments,register WHERE register.id=comments.post_id ORDER  BY comments.id DESC LIMIT "+str(start)+","+str(limit)+" "
    if json_fetch=="<Response 3 bytes [200 OK]>":
        return ""
        return jsonify(fetch)
Sven Writes Code

You are returning an empty string from your python code:

if json_fetch=="<Response 3 bytes [200 OK]>":
    return ""

When you use JSON.parse(""), you are returned with the Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input

Collected from the Internet

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Error: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input

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