Crontab to run a bash script that runs multiple python scripts

Tara Sutjarittham

I'm a beginner in linux. I want run multiple python scripts every 30 second and I'm planning to do this using a bash script ( to run multiple python scripts simultaneously) and crontab (to schedule the scripts to run every 30 sec).

This is how my bash script:

# This script is used to run multiple python script to query all types and all modes of GTFSR data

#Set working directory
cd "${0%/*}"

#BUS Query Real Time
python -p '' --database="postgresql://localhost/test" —apikey="XXX" -m "buses" -c -1 &
python -t '' --database="postgresql://localhost/test" --apikey="XXX" -m "buses" -c -1 &
python -a '' --database="postgresql://localhost/test" --apikey="XXX" -m "buses" -c -1 &

#Sydney Train Real Time
python -p '' --database="postgresql://localhost/test" --apikey="XXX" -m "sydneytrains" -c -1 &
python -t '' --database="postgresql://localhost/test" --apikey="XXX" -m "sydneytrains" -c -1 &
python -a '' --database="postgresql://localhost/test" --apikey="XXX" -m "sydneytrains" -c -1 &

#Ferries Real Time
python -p '' --database="postgresql://localhost/test" --apikey="XXX" -m "ferries" -c -1 &
python -t '' --database="postgresql://localhost/test" --apikey="XXX" -m "ferries" -c -1 &
python -a '' --database="postgresql://localhost/test" --apikey="XXX" -m "ferries" -c -1 &

#lightrail Real Time
python -p '' --database="postgresql://localhost/test" --apikey="XXX" -m "lightrail" -c -1 &
python -t '' --database="postgresql://localhost/test" --apikey="XXX" -m "lightrail" -c -1 &
python -a '' --database="postgresql://localhost/test" --apikey="XXX" -m "lightrail" -c -1 &

#nswtrains Real Time
python -p '' --database="postgresql://localhost/test" --apikey="XXX" -m "nswtrains" -c -1 &
python -t '' --database="postgresql://localhost/test" --apikey="XXX" -m "nswtrains" -c -1 &
python -a '' --database="postgresql://localhost/test" --apikey="XXX" -m "nswtrains" -c -1 &

This is what I put in crontab:

# GTFSR to Database
* * * * * ( /bin/bash /home/amarinS/projects/TfNSW_GTFSRDB/GTFSR_call)
* * * * * ( sleep 30 ; /bin/bash /home/amarinS/projects/TfNSW_GTFSRDB/GTFSR_call)

If I run /bin/bash /home/amarinS/projects/TfNSW_GTFSRDB/GTFSR_call manually, the bash script works fine. However nothing happens when the job is run via CRONTAB.

Please help.



Make sure you are creating the cron entries as root. I have had that get me in the past.

Verify your env variables and the python interpreter.

Make sure all the scripts are executable.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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