Jest manual mocking works only for the first function call

Razvan-Catalin Olaru

I've mocked a custom XHR wrapper that I've written (utils/xhr.js) using Jest manual mocking feature and the issue that I'm having is that only the first XHR call is tracked:


let xhr = {
    get: function(params) { /* XHR get implementation */ }
    post: function(params) { /* XHR post implementation */ }

export default xhr;

utils/__mocks__/xhr.js - the mock implementation

let xhr = jest.genMockFromModule('./../xhr');

module.exports = xhr;

Dashboard.api.js - the XHR calls for the dashboard component

// ...

getTrendingEntities: (days, maxItems) => {

    return xhr.get({url: '/api/aggregator/riskEntities/' +  days + '/' + maxItems})
        .then((response) => {
            companyIds = parseCompanies(response.body);

                url: '/api/entities/specific-companies',
                data: companyIds

        }).then((response) => {
            let companies = parseCompaniesData(response.body);

            return Promise.resolve(companies);

// ...

TrendingEntitiesPod.jsx - the React component that uses Dashboard.api.js

class TrendingEntitiesPod extends React.Component {

    // ...

    componentWillMount() {

    componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
        if (this.props.days != nextProps.days) {

    loadData(days) {
        this.setState({loading: true});

        api.getTrendingEntities(days, DASHBOARD_PODS_ENTRIES_NUMBER)
            .then((companies) => {
                    companies: companies,
                    loading:   false

    render() { // ... }


StartPage.TrendingEntitiesPod.spec.js - the test file

import React from 'react';
import { mount } from 'enzyme';

import xhr from './../../../utils/xhr';

import TrendingEntitiesPod from './../Dashboard/components/TrendingEntitiesPod/TrendingEntitiesPod.jsx';

describe('StartPage.TrendingEntitiesPod:', () => {

    let wrapper = null;

    beforeAll(() => {
        xhr.get.mockReturnValueOnce(Promise.resolve({body: trendingEntities}));{body: trendingEntitiesData}));
        xhr.get.mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve({body: trendingEntityPestleData}));

        wrapper = mount(<TrendingEntitiesPod days={30} />);


    test('...stubbing works', () => {
        expect(; // returns false - why??

Razvan-Catalin Olaru

Another way to deal with this issue, as it seems that Jest doesn't play well when doing setTimeout() all the time, is to not test the component's state after all initial requests have done. You can test the individual methods that do the XHR requests (and data parsing logic/component state change). E.g.:


class AirlineCompanies extends React.Component {

    // ...

    loadData(numberOfCompanies) {
        this.setState({loading: true});

        return api.getAirlineCompanies(numberOfCompanies)
            .then((companies) => {
                companies: companies,
                loading:   false
        .catch((error) => {
            utils.logError(error, 'AirlineCompanies.loadData():');
            this.setState({loading: false});

    // ...



let component = mount(<AirlineCompanies />).instance();
let airlineCompaniesData = [ /*... mock companies data ...*/ ];

it('...should have the state changed and eight AirlineCompany components after data is loaded', (done) => {
    xhr.get.mockReturnValueOnce(Promise.resolve({body: airlineCompaniesData}));

    component.loadData(30).then(() => {


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