stm32 - Interrupt handle

Mạnh Hùng

In external interrupt function, I want to reset by calling main function. But afterwards, if I have a new interrupt trigger, MCU thinks that It's handling in interrupt function and It doesn't call interrupt function again. What is my solution? (in my project, I'm not allowed to call soft Reset function)


Calling main() in any event is a bad idea, calling it from an interrupt handler is a really bad idea as you have discovered.

What you really need is to modify the stack and link-register so that when the interrupt context exits,, it "returns" to main(), rather than from whence it came. That is a non-trivial task, probably requiring some assembler code or compiler intrinsics.

You have to realise that the hardware will not have been restored to its reset state; you will probably need at least to disable all interrupts to prevent them occurring while the system is re-initialising.

Moreover the standard library will not be reinitialised if you jump to main(); rather than the reset vector. In particular, any currently allocated dynamic memory will instantly leak away and become unusable. In fact all of the C run-time environment initialisation will be skipped - leaving amongst for example static and global data in its last state rather than applying correct initialisation.

In short it is dangerous, error-prone, target specific, and fundamentally poor practice. Most of what you would have to do to make it work is already done in the start-up code that is executed before main() is called, so it would be far simpler to invoke that. The difference between that and forcing a true reset (via the watchdog or AICR) is that the on-chip peripheral state remains untouched (apart from any initialisation explicitly done in the start-up). In my experience, if you are using a more complex peripheral such as USB, safely restarting the system without a true reset is difficult to achieve safely (or at least it is difficult to determine how to do it safely) and hardly worth the effort.

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