How can I download (save) all the codes from Jupyter Notebook?

still_learning :

I have written many programs in Jupyter Notebook. I have been downloading manually in HTML and python format. I would like to ask if there is a faster way to download all the programs that I have written there in a folder.

Many thanks

Infinity :

Jupyter notebook is a JSON file.

You can open it as a textual file and save all cells which have a code as the cell_type.

import json

PATH_TO_NOTEBOOK = r"/home/yam/notebook.ipynb"

def get_notebook(notebook_path):
    with open(notebook_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as notebook:
        return json.load(notebook)

def is_code_cell(cell):
    return cell['cell_type'] == "code"

def get_source_from_code_cell(cell):
    return ''.join(cell['source'])

def save_as_python_file(filename, code):
    with open(f'{filename}.py', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:

def get_code_cells_content(notebook_cells):
    yield from (
        (i, get_source_from_code_cell(current_cell))
        for i, current_cell in enumerate(notebook_cells, 1)
        if is_code_cell(current_cell)

notebook = get_notebook(PATH_TO_NOTEBOOK)
for filename, code in get_code_cells_content(notebook['cells']):
    save_as_python_file(filename, code)

Collected from the Internet

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