VSTS Build definition for Xamarin Android always fails with error " A supported task execution handler was not found. T..."


VSTS Build definition for Xamarin Android always fails with error " A supported task execution handler was not found. This error usually means the task does not carry an implementation that is compatible with your current operating system. Contact the task author for more details."

We are using on-premise agent and the version is 2.117.1

Demands are as shown in the build definition

  1. AndroidSDK
  2. JDK
  3. MSBuild
  4. Xamarin.Android
  5. msbuild

For anyone who is struggling to do the same thing. You can make use of the MSBuild command line utility provided by Microsoft to directly build it from the command line. On Mac it is called xbuild and in windows it is msbuild. But recently I have seen warning messages in the build logs that xbuild will be deprecated soon use msbuild instead. So I have used MSBuild command to build a xamarin.android project. Command is given below for reference

msbuild /t:Clean;Build;PackageForAndroid /p:Configuration=$(BuildConfiguration) /p:AndroidKeyStore=true /p:AndroidSigningKeyAlias=$(alias) /p:AndroidSigningKeyPass=$(KeyStorePassword) /p:AndroidSigningKeyStore=<Keystore> /p:AndroidSigningStorePass=$(KeyStorePassword) <CSProj file path>

I am still checking the keystore side of this command. If get more info then will add it here.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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