LEFT JOIN with WHERE and AND parameters


I have the following tables :

Movies :

| movie_id |     title    |
|    1     | Wonder Woman |

Cast :

| id       |     name     |
|    1     |   Gal Gadot  |
|    2     |  Chris Pine  |

Movie_cast :

| id       |   movie_id   |    cast_id   |
|    1     |       1      |       1      |
|    2     |       1      |       2      |

Basicly, Gal Gadot and Chris Pine are both part of the movie Wonder Woman.

My problem is that I want to find all of the movies in which they are both in. I don't want any movie in which they play separately, only where they are both are in the cast.

I tried something like this:

SELECT * FROM movies
LEFT JOIN movie_cast ON movie_cast.movie_id = movies.movie_id 
LEFT JOIN cast ON movie_cast.cast_id = cast.id
WHERE cast.id = 1 AND cast.id = 2

But the result was empty.

Pham X. Bach

You should use this:

SELECT m.movie_id, m.title 
FROM movies m
INNER JOIN movie_cast mc ON mc.movie_id = m.movie_id 
WHERE mc.cast_id = 1 OR mc.cast_id = 2
GROUP BY m.movie_id, m.title
HAVING COUNT(*) = 2; -- HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT mc.cast_id) = 2; -- for unnormalized data

No need LEFT JOIN, and you only need to JOIN casttable when you need to find by cast's name

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