PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation 'caves' does not exist


I've ran into a problem in which I'm not sure how to get out of this. Working on creating a rails view, and after populating my view and editing my controller, i've ran into an error that states PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation 'caves' does not exist

Looking into what I did, I realized that I created my model as cafe but when I populated my schema tables, I accidentally created a table called caves instead of cafes.

Here's what I did to try to resolve this.

  1. I first tried creating a migration to just rename the table from caves to cafes -- still ran into the same error
  2. I then tried deleting the schema table all together and creating a new one all together called cafe - still ran into the same error
  3. I then tried dropping my database all together, thinking if I just wiped the whole thing and started over (i just started on this rails project). I ran rake db:reset only to come into a new error telling me ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::ObjectInUse: ERROR: database "cafe_database" is being accessed by other users
  4. By this point, I tried restarted my postgress and ran sudo service postgresql restart....but my machine doesn't recognize service

Does anybody have an idea what I can do to figure this problem out? I'm running out of ideas.


try below steps:

1. rake db:drop
2. rake db:create
3. rake db:migrate

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