Adding values for missing rows based on a column value

Sana Ali

I have a data frame:

things <- data.frame( category = c("A","B","A","B","B","A","B"),
               things2do = c("ball","ball","bat","bat","hockey","volley ball","foos ball"),
                  number = c(12,5,4,1,2,1,1))

now I want to add "0" in number where the particular category and things2do is missing e.g. a new row for "A", "hockey" and "0" should be added, same for volleyball, and foos ball.

I hope I can get some help here.


tidyr's complete() function does this:


things %>%
    complete(category, things2do, fill = list(number = 0))


# A tibble: 10 x 3
   category   things2do number
     <fctr>      <fctr>  <dbl>
 1        A        ball     12
 2        A         bat      4
 3        A   foos ball      0
 4        A      hockey      0
 5        A volley ball      1
 6        B        ball      5
 7        B         bat      1
 8        B   foos ball      1
 9        B      hockey      2
10        B volley ball      0

Collected from the Internet

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