Oracle SQL How can I separate values from a column in two different columns?

Young Al Capone

I want to code a query to return description of some concepts and their respective price but I want to make two different columns to categorise two diferentes items categories of values. Is it possible?

SELECT b.descripcion CONCEPTO, a.cantidad, a.importe,
FROM   detalles_liquidaciones a
JOIN   conceptos b
ON    (a.codigo_concepto = b.codigo)
JOIN   tipos_conceptos c
ON    (b.codigo_tipo = c.codigo)
WHERE  a.numero_liquidacion = 13802
AND    c.descripcion IN ('HABER', 'RETENCION', 'ANTICIPO');

Output Query

I want to code something like this: Ideal query


Could this work ? ( Perhaps there's a better solution, it feels a bit tricky... litterally "switching" ):

SELECT Concepto ,
         WHEN description LIKE 'HABER' THEN
       END) haberes,
         WHEN description LIKE 'HABER' THEN
       END) cantidad,
         WHEN description LIKE 'RETENCION' OR description LIKE 'ANTICIPO' THEN
       END) retenciones
  FROM (SELECT b.descripcion concepto, a.cantidad, a.importe, c.descripcion
          FROM detalles_liquidaciones a
          JOIN conceptos b
            ON (a.codigo_concepto = b.codigo)
          JOIN tipos_conceptos c
            ON (b.codigo_tipo = c.codigo)
         WHERE a.numero_liquidacion = 13802
           AND c.descripcion IN ('HABER', 'RETENCION', 'ANTICIPO'));

Collected from the Internet

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