Parsing csv data into object with different column length

Woden :

I am new to Java and practicing parsing csv file into the object. I've tried but cannot figure it out.

The file looks like this:

  [0],    [1], [2],    [3]  ,    [4]    ,   [5]   ,  [6] ,   [7]  ,  [8] , [9]
class, gender, age, bodyType, profession, pregnant, isYou ,species, isPet, role
scenario:green,   ,         ,           ,         ,        ,      ,      ,
person, female, 24, average ,           , FALSE   ,        ,      ,      , passenger
animal, male  ,  4,         ,           , FALSE   ,        , dog  , TRUE , pedestrian
person, male  , 16, athletic, boxer     , FALSE   ,  TRUE  ,      ,      , passenger
person, female, 25, athletic, doctor    , TRUE    ,  FALSE ,      ,      , pedestrian

I need to parse it by any number of passengers and pedestrians with any scenarios. Finally, add these scenarios into an ArrayList for analyzing.

What I think is to:

  1. loop through each line, stops when reaches to the next scenario:red, adds the passengers and the pedestrians to the Character ArrayList. (I've done adding, but don't how to stop).
  2. Create a scenario using constructor scenario(ArrayList<Character> passenger, ArrayList<Character> pedestrians, boolean redOrGreen);
  3. The ArrayList scenarios add the created scenarios.

What I've done is put everything together instead of separate them. Any help or hint is highly appreciated.

Thanks for this community who helped me, here is what I've got so far.

    public void loadCsv() throws IOException {

    String csvFile = "config.csv";
    String line = "";
    String csvSplit = "\\s*,\\s*";

    Scenario scenario = new Scenario();
    Person person = new Person();
    Animal animal = new Animal();

    ArrayList<Scenario> scenaios = new ArrayList<Scenario>();
    ArrayList<String> csvContents = new ArrayList<String>();

    ArrayList<Character> passengers = new ArrayList<Character>();
    ArrayList<Character> pedestrians = new ArrayList<Character>();

    try (BufferedReader csvReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(csvFile));) {
        String headerLine = csvReader.readLine(); //get rid of the header
        //add each line to the arrayList
        while ((line = csvReader.readLine()) != null) { 

        for(String csvLine : csvContents) {                
            String[] data = csvLine.split(csvSplit); // split by comma and remove redundant spaces

            if (data.length == NO_OF_FIELD) { //check and avoid indexOutOfBoundException

                String clazz = data[0].toLowerCase();// cannot use word "class" as a variable

                if (clazz.startsWith("scenario") && data.length == 1) { 
                    scenario = new Scenario();

                else if ("person".equals(clazz) && data.length ==10) {

                    person = loadCsvPerson(data);
                    addCharacter(person, data);


                else if ("animal".equals(clazz) && data.length ==10) {

                    animal = loadCsvAnimal(data);
                    addCharacter(animal, data);

        //passenger and pedestrians are in position
        System.out.println("passengers: " + passengers);
        System.out.println("pedestrians: " + pedestrians);

        if (null != scenario) {

    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
Woden :

I need to add the previous scenario in the second round. Since the last set of data won't be captured, I need to set another new scenario to add it in. Thanks for the art sir.

Character character = null;
    try (BufferedReader csvReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(csvFile));) {
        String headerLine = csvReader.readLine(); //get rid of the header
        //add each line to the arrayList
        while ((line = csvReader.readLine()) != null) { 
        final int NO_OF_FIELDS = 10;

        for(String csvLine : csvContents) {                
            String[] data = csvLine.split(csvSplit); // split by comma and remove redundant spaces                
            String clazz = data[0].toLowerCase();// cannot use word "class" as a variable

            if (clazz.startsWith("scenario") && data.length == 1) {
                // adding scenario after one set of data
                // i.e second round adding the first round data
                if (passengers.size() != 0 && pedestrians.size() != 0) {
                    Scenario scenario = new Scenario();

                passengers = new ArrayList<Character>();
                pedestrians = new ArrayList<Character>();

                if (clazz.endsWith("green")) {
                    System.out.println("green light");

                else if (clazz.endsWith("red")){
                    System.out.println("red light");

            Scenario scenario = new Scenario();


            Audit audit = new Audit();

Collected from the Internet

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