Python start line with a letter, combining two for loops?


I'm trying to have my program output:

a. am {1: '2'}
b. at {1: '2'}
c. far {1: '1'}
ff. glad {1: '2'}
gg. i {1: '2'}
hh. it {1: '1'}
ooo. lets {1: '0'}
ppp. outcome {1: '2'}

The first part, the letters, is the line number but represented with a letter, looping back to the start of the alphabet when it reaches "z."

The second part, the words, is the alphabetized word that it scans from a string.

The third part, is {the number of times a word appears:sentence number(s) it appears in}.

For some reason, everything works except I cannot get the enumeration loop to work correctly on the lettering. It currently outputs this:

a. am {1: '2'}
a. at {1: '2'}
a. far {1: '1'}
a. glad {1: '2'}

My code is:

import string
from itertools import cycle


letters = list(string.ascii_lowercase)
m = len(letters)
for key in sorted(word_counter):
    order = {len(word_counter[key]): str(sent_num[key]).replace('[','').replace(']','')}
        #creates a dictionary with the number of times word appears on the left
        #and the sentence it appears in on the right
    for i, (let, e) in enumerate(zip(cycle(letters), x)):
        testing = (let*(i//m+1))
        print("{}. {} {}".format(testing, key, order)) 

If I change the 'x=range(1)' to anything else it just repeats the previous line that many times then moves onto the next word. Can anyone help me?

Moses Koledoye

You don't need the inner loop, zip your cycle object with the main list and let the counting go on from there:

for i, (let, key) in enumerate(zip(cycle(letters), sorted(word_counter))):
    order = {len(word_counter[key]): str(sent_num[key]).replace('[','').replace(']','')}
    testing = let*(i//m+1)
    print("{}. {} {}".format(testing, key, order)) 

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