Kerberos and Ubuntu 18


I am trying to configure a automated join to domain on my Ubuntu workstations. I have everything in place (I at least I believe so as the following command works fine)

net ads join -U <username>

Now I have two questions. Could someone explain to me what the option -k or --kerberos does and when could it be used ? And also has anyone sucesfully automated this process ? I so far have puppet setup to deploy all config files (krb, sssd, samba. All of those are configured and working when done manually) and run the net ads join at the end however it seems to fail (no surprise as I dont provide it with credentials) someone has mentioned to me to run the above command with -k option however that seems to fail too.


Answer to this was to use

net ads join -U username%password

This and a new user on domain that has a single right of adding devices to domain fixed my issue.

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