python ctypes - wrap void pointer

Nico R.

I am wrapping a C library into Python via ctypes. At the moment I stuck on one line or more on one parameter. Here the C Code:

void* gVimbaHandleFake = (void*)1;
err = VmbFeatureBoolGet(gVimbaHandleFake, "GeVTLIsPresent", &isGigE );   

The problem is this strange void pointer. In general I know what a void pointer is but this one seems to be "special". If I change the 1 in (void*)1 the program is not working anymore (it is about finding network cameras). It is not crashing but doesnt find the cameras anymore.

I tried many different things, the last tries in Python:

gVimbaHandle = cast(1, c_void_p)
err = self.dll.VmbFeatureBoolGet(byref(gVimbaHandle), "GeVTLIsPresent", byref(isGigE))

also tried the "normal" way:

gVimbaHandle = c_void_p(1)

My program isnt crashing but it tells me that the handle is invalid ... When I looked into the pointer with gVimbaHandle.value I get 1L as output. Could this be the problem, the L for the long datatype?

Does anybody knows how to fix this or can explain the "special" (void*)1 pointer in C to me?

Thank you very much!

Nico R.

So the solution/answer is:

gVimbaHandle = c_void_p(1)
err = self.dll.VmbFeatureBoolGet(gVimbaHandle, "GeVTLIsPresent", byref(isGigE))

thanks @eryksun

Collected from the Internet

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