Is there a correct way to add custom Javascript to an ASP.NET MVC 5 page?


At the moment, I have added the jQuery source file to my ASP.NET project's Scripts folder. In the _Layout.cshtml page, I have included ~/Scripts/jquery-2.1.1.min.js. Right now, I can include jQuery code on every page I make this way:

If this page shows a popup I was succesfull.


However, I don't want to include a full script in every view. I would prefer to create a seperate JS file, put it in my Scripts folder, and then include it using Razor.

    //Razor Magic inserting Javascript method!

If this page shows a popup I was succesfull.

How do I do this? And is it the "correct" way to include a unique Javascript file for a single page?

Kartikeya Khosla

Best and elegent way to solve your problem in MVC is making Bundles Known as Bundling and Minification.

See more here :-

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