How can I browse output of any random command in quickfix window?


I'd like to run some $RANDOM_COMMAND, and have the results opened in ("piped to") the quickfix window (:copen/:cfile). Is this possible, without having to define some commands in vimrc? (Hopefully in some "simple way", i.e. I'd like to be able to memorize this so I can run this on any new random box with vanilla vim that I'll have to login to.)

edit: initially didn't know how to express "simple way" more precisely, but now I know at least partially: I'd much prefer an answer of 1, max 2 lines.

edit2: tried something like below (from this and this):

:call setqflist(split(system('RANDOM_COMMAND'), '\n'))

but didn't seem to work anyway :/ (and mucho ugly too)


Hmh, found the simplest solution in the end, by reading through the regular vimdoc for quickfix window:

:cex system('$RANDOM_COMMAND') | copen

(the | copen part is optional).

Still, Ingo Karkat's solution can have usability advantage, as on consecutive runs it's enough to run shorter :grep there.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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