How to fade part of an image


I have a kind of simple donut chart gradually colored. I want this donut be faded depending on a value. For example if the value is 35 then 35 % of my donut would be not faded and 65 % would be faded. I don't want any animation.

This is an example of what I want to achieve :

enter image description here

The code for the donut without the masking feature :


You could also use some masking in combination with a semi-transparent image using the following steps.

  • create a black/white donut up to e.g. 35 %,
  • mask your semi-transperant with this donut (e.g. make all black parts fully transparent)
  • use this masked image as overlay for your full coloured donut.

This will leave you with a partly faded donut following the same contours as the original.

I am sorry I don't have any masking-code at hand, but these steps would accomplish the desired result.

Collected from the Internet

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