Cant do redirect (ASP.NET MVC)


I need to do redirect to controller

Here is my controller

        public ActionResult Index(string question1, string question2, string question3, string question4, string question5, string question6, string question7, string question8, string question9, string question10, Int32 id)
            QuestionBlock question = new QuestionBlock
                Question1 = question1,
                Question2 = question2,
                Question3 = question3,
                Question4 = question4,
                Question5 = question5,
                Question6 = question6,
                Question7 = question7,
                Question8 = question8,
                Question9 = question9,
                Question10 = question10,
                Interview_Id = id,

            //TempData["id"] = id;

             return Json(new { Result = "Success", Message = "Saved Successfully" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

I try to do it like this

     return RedirectToAction("Index", "Questions", new { id = id });

I have this AJAX call in my View. Maybe trouble in it?

    $('.click').on('click', function () {
    var counter = 0;
  $(document).ready(function () {
        $('#save').click(function () {
    function save()
            type: 'Post',
            dataType: 'Json',
            data: {
                     question1: $('#Question1').val(),
                     question2: $('#Question2').val(),
                     question3: $('#Question3').val(),
                     question4: $('#Question4').val(),
                     question5: $('#Question5').val(),
                     question6: $('#Question6').val(),
                     question7: $('#Question7').val(),
                     question8: $('#Question8').val(),
                     question9: $('#Question9').val(),
                     question10: $('#Question10').val(),

            url: '@Url.Action("Index", "Questions")',
            success: function (da) {
                if (da.Result === "Success") {

                        alert('Вопросы сохранены');

                } else {

                    alert( 'Error'+ da.Message);
            error: function (da) {


But redirection not works. Where is my trouble?

Maybe I need to do it not in controller?

Thank's for help


Your current code is returning a JSON response with 2 properties and your main view code is making an ajax call to this action method. So the JSON response returned from the action method will be handled in the success handler of your ajax call. It will not do a redirect unless you explicitly do so.

Even if you replace the return Json with return RedirectToAction, It does not makes sense to use it with the Ajax call. The whole idea of ajaxifying the page is to avoid the traditional page submit - reload experience and replace it with partial page upload behavior (better user experience)

If you absolutely want to redirect to another page, you can do that in the success event handler. But like i mentioned earlier, it does not makes sense to do an ajax post then. Do a normal form post!

if (da.Result === "Success") {
   window.location.href="Give the new Url you want to navigate to here";

You can use the UrlHelper class to generate the correct url to the other action method and send that as part of your JSON response.

var urlBuilder = new UrlHelper(Request.RequestContext);
var url = urlBuilder.Action("Index", "Questions",new { id= id});
return Json(new { Result = "Success", Message = "Saved Successfully",RedirectUrl=url });

Now in your ajax call , read the RedirectUrl property

if (da.Result === "Success") {

Collected from the Internet

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