why omnet++ version 5 ned file suddenly corrupted


Suddenly the ned file seems corrupted for simulations that uses [] notation to add an arbitrary number of modules. for example, in tictoc10.ned, tic[6]: Txc10 shows tic[6] on the design tap rather than six tic modules. i re-installed omnet++ and once i open the ned file for the tictoc tutorial the ned is corrupted and this includes all other examples. see the attached figure tictoc10.ned


This is normal. The design view in the IDE never actually instantiates the submodules. i.e. you will never see 10 icons if you define a submodule[10]. The runtime does this of course, but not the IDE.

In other words: The IDE shows the structure of the NED file, while the runtime shows the modules that were actually created.

Collected from the Internet

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