How can I generate big data sample for Postgresql using generate_series and random?


I want to generate big data sample (almost 1 million records) for studying tuplesort.c's polyphase merge in postgresql, and I hope the schema as follows:

CREATE TABLE Departments (code VARCHAR(4), UNIQUE (code));
  code VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, -- not unique
  article TEXT,
  name TEXT NOT NULL, -- not unique
  department VARCHAR(4) NOT NULL REFERENCES Departments (code),
  UNIQUE (code, department)

how to use generate_series and random for do it? thanks a lot!

Clodoaldo Neto

To insert one million rows into Towns

insert into towns (
    code, article, name, department
    left(md5(i::text), 10),
    left(md5(random()::text), 4)
from generate_series(1, 1000000) s(i)

Since id is a serial it is not necessary to include it.

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