Server behind nginx reverse proxy ignores relative path in URL


My title isn't the best, my knowledge of webstuff is quite basic, sorry.

What I want to achieve

I have one box fanbox running nginx on Archlinux that I use as main entry point to my home LAN from the internet (namely work where I can only get out to port 80 and 443) via the reverse proxy facility using a changing domain name over which I have no control and that we will call for now.

fanbox has its ports 80 and 443 mapped to, that part was easy.

I have 2 webservers behind the firewall, web1.lan, web2.lan, web2ilo.lan. Both of these have various applications (which may have same name on different machines) that can directly be accessed on the LAN via standard URLs (the names are given as examples, I have no control over the content):


...and so on...

Now web2ilo.lan is a particular case. It's the out of band management web interface of the HP server web2.lan. That particular webserver offers only 1 application, so it can only be accessed via its root URL:


My goal is to access these via subpath of like this:

My problem

That nearly works but the web applications tend to rewrite URLs so that after I login to, respectively:

the browser is redirected respectively to 

Note that the relative subpaths web1 and web2ilo have gone, which logically give me a 404.

My config

So far, I've searched a lot and I tried many options in nginx without understanding too much what I was doing. Here is my config that reproduces this problem. I've left SSL out for clarity.

   server {
      listen       443 ssl;
      server_name  localhost;

      # SSL stuff left out for clarity 

      location / {
          root   /usr/share/nginx/html;
          index  index.html index.htm;

      location /web1/ {
              proxy_set_header Host $host;
              proxy_redirect off;
              proxy_pass https://web1.lan/;

      location /web2/ {
              proxy_set_header Host $host;
              proxy_redirect off;
              proxy_pass https://web2.lan/;

      location /web2ilo/ {
              proxy_set_header Host $host;
              proxy_redirect off;
              proxy_pass https://web2ilo.lan/;


After first answers

After the first couple of answers (thanks!), I realise that my setup is far from common and that I may be heading for trouble all alone.

What would then be a better idea to access the webserver behind the firewall without touching frontend ports and domain/hostname ?


I did not find an answer to my question and decided to try a different approach:

  • I now have containerized most of my servers
  • I use Traefik ( as my "fanbox" (= reverse proxy) as it covers my needs but also solves in a quite easy fashion the SSL certificates stuff.

Thanks all for your suggestions.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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