Why a condition that contains a pointer always returns true?

Rubel Hosen

For example consider the following code. The pointer p points to the variable a that contains a nonzero value. Meaning, the condition should be true. So, if the program returns 1, I have no problem with that.

#include <iostream>

int main()
    int *p, a = 1;

    p = &a;

        return 1;

    return 0;

But for the following program the result is same too. Though the pointer this time points to a variable that contains 0. So, the condition should be false, but it is not.

#include <iostream>

int main()
    int *p, a = 0;

    p = &a;

        return 1;

    return 0;

So, what I am missing? Why the condition is always returning true? I am assuming the pointer has nothing to do with the value that it points to. Rather it is evaluating the condition on the basis of something else and I want to know that particular reason.

Rubel Hosen

if (p) does return true because if (p) is shortcut to if (p != nullptr).

pcontains the memory address of the variable a. In my machine that is 0x29fef8. Since nullptr is equivalent to 0 and p is not 0 thus the condition if (p != nullptr) evaluates to true. Thus the condition always returns true.

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