How to update a Child object in Realm Android


I'm using realm java in android, i have a parent class and a child class, here is my code, the problem is that every time this code is called, a new child object is created instead of update the Parent, so if I call this five times, i have 1 Parent and 5 Child objects, i just need 1 Parent and 1 Child, there is a way to achieve this

 class Parent extends RealmObject {
    private String someKey;
     Child child;

 class Child extends RealmObject {
    private int someValue;

 final Parent parent = realm.where(parent.class).equalTo("somekey", key)

    realm.executeTransaction(new Realm.Transaction() {
      public void execute(Realm realm) {
        Child child = realm.createObject(Child


Christian Melchior

I'm not entirely sure why you are creating a Child object each time you update the Parent, but if the idea is that the parent should always have a child, then you can do this:

realm.executeTransaction(new Realm.Transaction() {
  public void execute(Realm realm) {
    if (parent.getChild() == null) { // Only create a child if it is missing.
      Child child = realm.createObject(Child.class);

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