Create a completion block that returns nothing but executes another function when completed?


I'm trying to create a completion block that can execute another function after its completed, in this case it's a tableview reload. I get the error :

'async' produces '()', not the expected contextual result type 'Bool'

This is the function:

  func appendAllData (completion: () -> Bool) {

    if self.movieDetailsData?.poster != nil {
      if let posterImage = self.movieDetailsData?.poster {
    if self.movieDetailsData?.overview != nil {
      if let overview = self.movieDetailsData?.overview {

    if self.movieDetailsData?.releaseData != nil {
      if let releaseDate = self.movieDetailsData?.releaseData {

    if self.movieDetailsData?.runtime != nil {
      if let runtime = self.movieDetailsData?.runtime {
        self.releaseInfoArray.append(String(describing: runtime))

    if self.movieDetailsData?.genre != nil {
      if let genre = self.movieDetailsData?.genre {
        if genre.isEmpty {
        } else {

    if self.movieDetailsData?.budget != nil {
      if let budget = self.movieDetailsData?.budget {

    if self.movieDetailsData?.revenue != nil {
      if let revenue = self.movieDetailsData?.revenue {

    if self.movieDetailsData?.homepage != nil {
      if let homepage = self.movieDetailsData?.homepage {

    if self.movieDetailsData?.images != nil {
      if let images = self.movieDetailsData?.images {

        let posters = images.backdropImages
        for poster in posters {


This is how it's used:

 self.appendAllData(completion: { _ in

  DispatchQueue.main.async { //error here: 'async' produces '()', not the expected contextual result type 'Bool'

Your completion closure signature is completion: () -> Bool but you used () -> (). Just change function parameter from completion: () -> Bool to completion: () -> Void or completion: () -> (). And you should follow njzk2's comment.

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