Sorting table with jQuery how to


I know there are a lot of plugins for table sorting, but I would like to learn it myself. So here is my table.

<table class="table-bordered sortable">
      <td>Jack Carver</td>
      <td>New York</td>
      <td>John Johnson</td>
      <td>Steve McKenzie</td>

How can I make my table sortable? If user clicks on th, relevant tds should be sort alphabetically (and rest of row as well).

Richard Ye

Here is a general approach. No one step is particularly difficult, it's just sometimes hard to put everything together:

  1. Bind an event handler to each of the <th> elements
  2. This event handler will need to look at all of the <tr> elements, and put those into an array.
  3. Sort the <tr> elements with Array.sort(). The sorting function will need to look at the contents of <td> child element of the <tr> passed in with the same index as the <th> element clicked.
  4. Clear the <tbody> and reinsert the <tr>s in the sorted order.
  5. Add some sort of indicator to the <th> to indicate that it is sorted.

Now I wouldn't use the result of this technique in production because it is quite fragile and we shouldn't be manipulating DOM directly in this fashion, but at least it is a good exercise to develop JS skills.

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