Setting visibility of ProgressBar before and after emitting value from an observable

Muhammad Arsal

I've an RxJava observable in my android application which emits items brought from server and repeats like this:

Observable.interval(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
          .flatMap(new Func1<Long, Observable<Something>>() {
            public Observable<Something> call(Long aLong) {
              return dataManager.getSomething();
          .subscribe(new Subscriber<Something>() {
            public void onCompleted() {


            public void onError(Throwable e) {


            public void onNext(Something something) {
              // Do something

I want to set visibility of my ProgressBar to VISIBLE when the call to the server is being made using dataManager.getSomething() and hide it after getting the results. Hiding works perfect but where should I call my showProgressBar(true) method to make it visible again.


You can do it in many ways:
Add donOnNext() after the interval.
add doOnSubscribe() at the dataManager.getSomething()
also putting showProgressBar(true) at the flatMap() operator should also do the trick.

You just need to make sure to it will happen on the mainThread() as your changing the UI, you can achieve it with the observerOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) operator before your operator, just don't forget to change it back afterwards if you need it on a different thread.
Actually, In this case, assuming you creating this observable in main thread, you will call the showProgressBar(true) at main thread, as in default the notifications will happen at the thread created the Observable, that means that the dataManager.getSomething() will also happen at main thread, so you should add subscribeOn() to a different thread.

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