Java: Is there a way to get methods with different return types in a enum?


I know that its not possible to use generics with Enums but im searching for a way to implement a method for a enum with different return types.

For example I have following enum:

enum TestEnum {

        public Integer getValue() {
            return 123;

        public String getValue() {
            return "Test";

    public abstract Object getValue();

In this case TEST_INTEGER and TEST_STRING are implementations of TestEnum. Thats why the method getValue() has the return type Object and not Integer or String when the getValue() is invoked. That means in each case I have to cast to the concerning Classtype.

Is there any better way to get diretly the different Classtypes?

Tom Bulgur

Yes, java allows to "reduce" the return type (see here).

But in your context, this does not make sense conceptually!

Think of

TestEnum someEnum = ...
Integer val = someEnum.getValue();

How is the compiler supposed to know which one of your enum constants you actually assigned to that value?

Therefore the compiler could only understand:

 Integer val = TestEnum.TEST_INTEGER.getValue();

But well, what if you just know that it is some instance of TestEnum you are dealing with?!

Collected from the Internet

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